Productimage for Welding consumables

Welding consumables

Welding wires, welding rods, tungsten electrodes and stick electrodes. In order to achieve optimum welding results, both the right welding equipment and the appropriate welding consumables are crucial. In our range you will find a wide selection of welding wires made of steel, aluminium, stainless steel as well as high, medium and low alloyed welding rods for your specific applications and requirements.


MAG steel welding wires low alloyed

SG 2 material no. 1.5125 DIN 8559 / DIN EN 440

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Stick electrode

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Tungsten electrode

W green

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Tungsten electrode

WC 20 gray

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TIG welding rod for hardfacing

W600 material Nr.1.4718

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Autogen welding rod medium-alloyed

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Stick electrode


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Tungsten electrode

WL 15 gold

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Tungsten electrode

WR 2 turquoise

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