Quality Check & Development

The development department intervenes in the product development process at the supplier as early as the planning phase, so that market and customer requirements can be incorporated immediately. In close cooperation with the service center and the sales departments, weak points are analyzed and customer requirements are taken, evaluated and stipulated in a concrete catalog of requirements. Market observation is one of the most important tasks in order to adapt products to customer requirements on a regular basis.

Quality checks and improvements with consistent documentation are the basis for increasing product quality. Only a satisfied customer comes back and brings along new customers. This is why it is fundamentally important for us to promote the idea of quality in all departments of the company. Complaints are analyzed in the team and evaluated in detail with the goal to rule them out in the future.


The STÜRMER development department provides:

  • Application tests
  • Testing of new products
  • Standardization of the technical documentation
  • Answers to technical questions from the sales department
  • New developments, further developments and improvements in close cooperation with the supplier
  • Patent and utility model protection of own developments
  • Contact and technical exchange with suppliers and customers



The development work is carried out exclusively with state-of-the-art 3D CAD software by creating a virtual machine model. In addition to the optimal functionality of the machines, attention is paid to the reusability of the data that is created during the development phase. Not only is this data used for the preparation of production documents and documentation, but also for the calculation of computer-aided manufacturing as well as for visualization and animations.


Compliance with laws and standards, technical documentation and risk analysis

Compliance with legal standards is essential for the distribution of machinery. This includes, in particular, compliance with the Machinery Directive, the machine-specific standards and the EMC Directive. The creation of standardized operating instructions with high-quality spare part drawings and risk analysis is absolutely necessary here. Our technical authors achieve a high, standardized level that meets all legal requirements. These enormous efforts serve only one purpose: safe and permanent operation of the machine, to provide a quick entry into machine operation and therefore customer satisfaction


Quality Assurance

Our quality managers in Germany are the first point of contact for maintaining the quality of our suppliers' products. They are responsible for the dimensional accuracy of the components, their control, the quality of the manufacturing process and the final product. In addition to delivery reliability and service, the quality of our products is of great importance to us. Constant internal and external monitoring by our quality manager ensures the quality of our products. Our extensive inspection of incoming and outgoing goods is carried out according to general technical guidelines.


Field Test

Our technicians combine theory and practice. In order to leave nothing to chance when it comes to product satisfaction, application-specific tests are carried out on many machines and tools, in which selected customers take part regularly. Every new product must prove itself in everyday working life before it becomes an integral part of our product range. The technical analysis helps us to detect and eliminate weak points.


Inspection of incoming and outgoing goods

Competent specialists make sure that our customers always receive inspected products.

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